Wednesday 22 October 2014

Happenings: Fetus Found Inside 2-year old Boy Belly in Antique

A 2-year-old boy from province of Antique is scheduled to undergo operation in Iloilo hospital to remove the fetus inside his belly.

In an interview over local radio RMN Iloilo, the father of the boy said that they first noticed the distension in March 2013, when the boy is still 4 months old. He was then scanned, and a physician in Antique said that the results showed an 8-cm fetus inside his stomach.

This medical condition is known as "fetus in fetu" (or foetus in foetu). A quick search on this term led as to Wikipedia which according to them, this is a developmental abnormality in which a mass of tissue resembling a fetus forms inside the body.

Due to the said abnormal condition, the 2-year-old boy is having difficulty in breathing and unable to walk properly.

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